Windows OS requirements for our VPS plans

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System requirements

Windows OS needs certain hardware and software resources to be present on the machine to run smoothly. These prerequisites are known as system requirements. There are two kinds of recommendation minimum and recommended. We are using the recommended requirements from Microsoft to create a smooth and a trusty environment for your personal or business server. This means that Windows won’t be available for some server configurations.

Minimum specifications

The sets of requirements defined by Microsoft states that a machine needs the following minimum specifications.

  • 1 Processor
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 60GB Storage

Recommended specifications

However, the recommended specifications are:

  • 3 Processors
  • 2 GB RAM for desktop OS (Windows 8.1 / 10)
  • 16 GB for server OS (Windows Server 2008/2012R2/2016)
  • 60GB Storage

We have disabled windows for VPS JAR as a result of these recommended specifications. So we are recommending you to use our VPS Bucket or VPS Barrel plan for your Windows environment.

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