Create a Ubuntu VM in Proxmox and setup networking

Estimated reading time: 4 min


How to Create a Ubuntu VM in Proxmox and setup networking?

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a VPS on a freshly installed Proxmox VE server. This tutorial will also teach you how to upload the ISO of your choice from Ubuntu. Finally, we will also learn to configure basic networking so that your VM can connect to the internet.


  • Snel Dedicated Server with Proxmox VE operating system installed.
  • ISO image file of the Ubuntu OS you want to install. You can download the ISO from the Ubuntu website.

Step 1: Log in to your Proxmox web GUI

Find out the primary IP address of your server from the service details page of your server in the snel client area.

Snel Server Details

Navigate to via your browser https://your-ip-address:8006. You may also use the auto-generated server domain name found on the same page instead of the IP address. Eg.

Make sure to type https as Proxmox GUI is only available over a secure connection. It is possible that you will see a warning that the certificate is not reliable. Click on advanced, and proceed to the Proxmox web interface.

Enter root as username and password from the service details page of the snel client area. Leave the Linux PAM standard authentication in the Realm dropdown and click on the Login button to log in.

Proxmox VE login

Step 2: Upload ISO to Proxmox VE

After logging in, on the left side panel, you will see the node managed by Proxmox. Expand the node to see the list of attached local disks.

Proxmox disks


Now, click on the local disk from the left side pane and then click on the Content tab to see the list of ISO and container images. On a fresh installation, you won’t see any ISO images.

Click on the Upload button from the content section.

upload iso

This will open up the upload popup. Select ISO image from the content drop-down and select the ISO file you want to upload. Click the Upload button to upload the ISO file.

Upload Ubuntu ISO

Once the upload finishes, you will see the ISO file in GUI.

Ubuntu ISO Uploaded

Step 3: Create a Virtual Machine

Now that we have the ISO file uploaded, click on the Create VM button from the top.

Click Create VM

This will open up a pop-up to create a virtual machine.

Create VM: General

On the General tab, provide any Name to your virtual machine. You can use the default values for other fields. Click Next to go to the OS tab. Select local storage and choose the ISO image you have uploaded. On Guest OS type, select Linux and 5.x-2.6 Kernel in the version dropdown.

Create VM: OS

Under, System tab, leave the default settings and click Next.

Create VM: System Tab

Under the Hard Disk tab, select any storage disk and provide the guest VM disk size in GB. Make sure to enable the Discard option, this will make sure that a TRIM action in the guest OS will discard the storage space used by deleted files.

You also have the option to choose Raw disk image(raw) or QEMU image format(qcow2). raw is slightly faster than qcow2 as it has very little overhead and no associated metadata. Where qcow2 offers additions features such as compression, AES encryption, and incremental backups. Choose according to your use-case.

Create VM: HDD

Click Next to go to the CPU tab.

Under the CPU tab, select the numbers of CPU core you want to assign to the VM.

Create VM: CPU

Under the Memory tab, provide the amount of RAM you want to assign to guest VM.

Create VM: RAM

Under Network settings, leave the default settings and click Next to go to the Confirm tab.

Create VM: Network

Review the VM configuration again and click the Finish button. You will see that the VM is created and available on the left side pane.

VM Created

Step 4: Install Operating System on VM

Click the Start button on top of your virtual machine summary interface to start the VM.

Start VM

Once the VM is running, click on the Console dropdown button and select noVNC.

Open noVNC

This will open up a virtual console that you can use to install the operating system of your choice. Follow the operating system installer’s instructions.

Ubuntu Install Screen

Your operating system installer may warn you about failed automatic networking configuration. You can proceed with the installation without a working network interface. We will configure the network once the operating system is installed.

Reboot your system once the operating system installed.

Once your server is rebooted, login into your VM again using noVNC console. Click on the Console dropdown button on top of your virtual machine summary interface and select noVNC. You should see the login screen of your VM.

Ubuntu Login Screen

Log in with the username and password you chose while installing your operating system.

Step 5: Set up Networking

Find out the IP address associated with your server by going to the IP management page of your server in the snel client area.
Make a note of any IP address other than the primary IP address of the host.

We will need the IP addressGatewayNetwork Mask, and Nameservers in the next steps.

IP Management

Configure network in Ubuntu 16.04

On noVNC terminal, check the name of the ethernet device by running ip add. It should show you two interfaces, one lo, which is the loopback interface. Ignore this one and note the name of the other interface in format ensXX.

Check Network Interfaces

Edit the network configuration file.

vi /etc/network/interfaces

Add the following line at the end.

auto ens18
iface ens18 inet static

Make sure to replace ens18 to your ethernet device name. Also, substitute appropriate values that you got from the IP management page of your server in the snel client area. Save the file and exit from the editor.

Bring the device up by running the command:

ip link set ens18 up

Restart networking by running:

systemctl restart networking

You can now skip to Step 6 and test network connectivity.

Configure network in Ubuntu 18.04/20.04

On noVNC terminal, check the name of the ethernet device by running ip add. It should show you two interfaces, one lo, which is the loopback interface. Ignore this one and note the name of the other interface in format ensXX.

Check Network Interfaces

Edit the network configuration file. If the file does not exist, it will be created.

vi /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml

Add the following lines in the file.

  version: 2
  renderer: networkd
      dhcp4: no
      addresses: []
        addresses: [,]
      dhcp6: no```

Make sure to replace ens18 to your ethernet device name. Also, substitute appropriate values that you got from the IP management page of your server in the snel client area. Note that the subnet mask /24 is equivalent to Save the file and exit from the editor.

Apply the new networking config:

netplan apply

Step 6: Test Network Connectivity

If you have successfully configured your networking, try pinging now to see if you are connected to the internet.


You should see a successful response.

Ping Successful


In this tutorial, we learned how to create a virtual machine of your choice of Ubuntu operating system into Proxmox VE. We also learned how to upload the ISO file before creating the VM. Once the VM running, we successfully set up networking to connect the VM to the internet.

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  1. Otmar Schuster says


    The Big Problem ist in the nano editor there are IMPOSIBLE for me tu write the [ and ] symbols. ctrl+ship+u not works. Can You help me how can i edit de yarl file with the [] files?

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