How to find the transfer code (EPP code) of a domain name

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If you decide to transfer your domain name to another provider, you will need a transfer code. This transfer code is also known as an EPP code and is a unique code that is required to complete the transfer of your domain name. Fortunately, in most cases you can easily request this transfer code from your current provider through your clientarea or account. If you can’t find it there, you can contact your provider and ask for the transfer code by e-mail or by telephone. At it is even easier because you can find the transfer code directly in your clientarea. It is important to have the transfer code at hand before you start the move, so that you can go through the procedure without any problems.

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Why do I need a transfer code?

At you need a transfer code to transfer your domain name to another provider. This code is a security measure to prevent someone else from transferring your domain name without authorization. Requesting the transfer code is a simple step and can be done through your clientarea at

Log in to the clientarea

At, you can access your client area by visiting our website and selecting “Clientarea” in the top-right corner. Log in using your username and password to gain access. Once logged in, you’ll be directed to the dashboard, which provides a range of features, including the ability to request your transfer code.

How do I find the transfer code?

Step 1: Go to Services

Click on Services in the left menu.

Step 2: Go to Domains

Go to Domains.

Click on "My Services" and then on "Domains"

Step 3: Find the domain name

Search for the domain name for which you want to request the transfer code and click on the name of the domain name to go to the details of the domain name.

Step 4: Click More

Click More in the menu on the right side of the page.

Click on "More" to reveal more options

Step 5: Click Auth/EPP key

In the drop-down menu that appears, choose Auth/EPP key.

Click on Auth/Epp key

Step 6: Request Auth/EPP code

Click the green Request Auth Info/Epp code button.

You will receive your domain transfer code by pressing on "Request Auth Info/EPP code"

Step 7. Now you will see the transfer code you need to transfer your domain name to another provider.

If you are still having problems finding your clientarea or requesting your transfer code, do not hesitate to contact customer service. We are always ready to help you.

What should you do after you have your transfer code?

After you have found the transfer code in your clientarea at, you can start the transfer of your domain name. This can be done in different ways:

  1. If you want to arrange the transfer yourself, you can pass on the transfer code to the new provider where you want to transfer your domain name. The new provider will then initiate the move and keep you informed of the progress.
  1. If you want to arrange the move for you, you can submit a move request through your clientarea. The transfer code is automatically sent along with this. will then arrange the move for you and keep you informed of the progress.

Please note that transferring a domain name can take some time. The duration of the transfer may vary depending on your domain name extension and the providers involved.


Requesting the transfer code or EPP code for your domain name is usually easy through your clientarea or account with your current provider, as well as, where the transfer code can be found immediately. Having the transfer code is important for completing your domain name transfer to another provider and the request can be made by yourself or outsourced to the provider.

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