Is ISO 27001 certified?

Estimated reading time: 1 min

Yes, we can proudly say that we are ISO 27001 certified. Availability, security, and data protection have always been very important for our company and this ISO certification is proof of that.

With our ISO 27001 certification, we can guarantee our customers that we are committed to continuously improve our information processes, security measures, and IT systems. Furthermore, all of our taken security measures and policies will be periodically tested. This makes us able to ensure that our, products, services and infrastructure will always meet the highest security standards.

Why is it important to be ISO 27001 certified?

It is important because it is proof that we do not only deliver excellent service and security but that we are also looking for continuous improvement. has a high-quality security management system and IT infrastructure that guarantees the following:

  • Highly protected systems, including our entire infrastructure, customer, and company data.
  • Minimizing system vulnerabilities.
  • Operational excellence in terms of IT and information processes.
  • Security policies for our employees.
  • Periodically tested security measures.

We are happy to show our customers that we are striving tirelessly to protect and secure their data and that we only offer the best services that meet high standards in terms of security and availability. is iso certified

Visit our ISO page to download the ISO 27001 certificate

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