How to perform a traceroute on MacOS

Estimated reading time: 1 min

Description of how to perform a traceroute on MacOS and Windows

Below we have described how you can perform a traceroute on the major Operating Systems. Please make sure that you follow the steps in the support article.


We can open terminal on different ways, but we are gonna us Spotlight to open an terminal.

  1. You can use Spotlight with clicking on +space on your keyboard.
  2. Once this is done you will get an search bar with the text “Spotlight Search”
  3. Type terminal and press enter.
  4. Once the terminal is opened type traceroute ip_or_domain

$ traceroute

MacOs traceroute illustration


  1. Open the Start menu
  2. Click on Run
  3. Type cmd and then press the OK button to open a command prompt
  4. Type tracert domain and press the Enter
Windows traceroute illustration


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