Find SSH username and password of your VPS

Estimated reading time: 1 min


In this article we will explain how you can find or recover your Cloud VPS or Pure Performance VPS SSH username and password.

  • If you are not familiar with SSH you will find more information here.
  • Webhosting Plan users can read this article.


In order to log in your server with SSH you will need the following information:

  • Server IP address
  • Username: almost always “root” when the server is freshly installed unless you have set up another account
  • Password: randomly assigned by our systems or specified by yourself

Step 1 : Log in to your account

After you have successfully logged in to your account from the Dashboard go to “My services” section.

Step 2: Select the VPS for more information

Under “My services” you will find an overview of all active servers and services. Click on the server to view its extended information.

Step 3: Click on “Show password”

SSH password is per default hidden. To view it, you need to reveal the password by clicking on “Show password”

With this information you should be able to login through SSH onto your server. Unless you have changed your SSH password from default to personal preference.

IMPORTANT NOTICE!  If you have changed your default SSH password and lost it, then you should first recover your server in order to be able to login again with the server’s default password.

Step 4. Recovering your forgotten or lost root password

The recovery procedure depends on the OS installed on the server. For more detailed information on how to recover your SSH login information here are some useful articles :


In this article we have covered the basic instructions on how to find, recover and reset your SSH login username and password for your Cloud VPS or Pure Performance VPS.

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