How to connect with FTPS using FileZilla

Estimated reading time: 1 min

Learn how to connect to FTPS using FileZilla

In this article, you will learn how to connect with FTPS using FileZilla. FTPS (FTP/SSL) is a secure way to transfer your data. FTPS encrypts the data channels by using a layer of SSL/TLS under the FTP protocol.


Step 1: Filezilla

Keep Filezilla open. Open the site manager to add a new website connection.

Site manager 1

Once you have done that click on New Site to add a new site connection.

FileZilla new site

You will need to fill out the following information to connect via FTPS:

Host: This is the hostname. So it is the domain or the subdomain that you want to access.
Port: 21.
Protocol: FTP – File Transfer Protocol.
Encryption: Require explicit FTP over TLS.
Logon Type: Normal.
User: The username of the FTP account that you have access to.
Password: The password of the FTP account that you have access to.

Once you have entered the information in the empty fields, Click on Connectto proceed.

FileZila connect

You will get an unknown certificate warning. This warning will pop up every time the has been renewed and on the first time connecting. Select OKto continue. 

certificate melding


Congratulations, You have successfully connected with FTPS using FileZilla. If you would like to learn how to create an FTP account in Plesk then click on this article to learn how. How to create an FTP account in Plesk.

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